Girija Sivapunniyam – Founder
Girija is the President and Chief Customer Success Officer (CCSO) of SignaTech an IT and Infrastructure company and lives in Milwaukee Suburbs with her beautiful family.
Her curiosity about spirituality was kindled by fascinating stories about gods from her grandmother. She believes in the idea of all of us are part of the one big conscious and our actions and inactions have ripple effects in the universe. she is constantly learning and growing to be the best version of herself and wants to help others too.
That is why she started this organization to spread knowledge about holistic healing techniques.
உடம்பை வளர்க்கும் உபாயம் அறிந்தே
உடம்பை வளர்த்தேன் உயிர் வளர்த்தேனே
By learning the skills to nurture the body
I nurtured my body and thereby nurtured my soul
This is the quote from Thirumanthiram (sacred chant) by Thirumoolar Naayanaar, an ancient mystic writer. This quote beautifully captures the importance of learning and applying the techniques to maintain a strong and healthy body for bringing quality to our lives and the evolution of the soul.
But we often ignore our health and wellness while chasing our dreams and being busy living our life. Then we fall sick and our poor health becomes the roadblock. It happened to me too. So, I have been fascinated by health and wellness throughout my life. In this journey, I had the wonderful opportunity to learn Varma, Touch healing, and millet cooking. My life is better because of it. When we come across something amazing which will benefit everyone then it becomes our responsibility to share it with the whole world. That is why I started “Back to Wellness” to organize workshops, classes, and retreats and help everyone to be their best!