Emotional wellness

Emotional wellness is the ability to successfully handle life’s stresses and adapt to change and difficult times. It means having a positive attitude, high self-esteem, a strong sense of self, and the ability to recognize & share a wide range of feelings with others constructively.

Credit: Belencommunitycare.com/emotional-wellness-2/

Why it is important?

  • Affects relationships, work, and overall mental and physical health.
  • May lead to higher blood pressure, a weakened immune system, and increased illness.
  • Helps to slow down and fosters the practice of mindfulness.
  • Leads to a happier and more blissful life.
  • Allows the opportunity to attain your full potential.

The countries and communities give important to emotional wellness are having happy and healthy citizens like Sweden. In Sweden government supports people by giving them a paid break if they are not able to maintain a work-life balance and paying for college for them a learn a new career while on the break if needed. As a community people give importance to a healthy lifestyle and encourage everyone to be happy.

Things affecting Emotional Wellness

  • Too much stress
  • Too many activities
  • Overworking
  • Lack of sleep
  • Poor Gut health because of eating or sleeping late at night
  • Not being physically active or having an exercise routine
  • Poor eating habits like not eating a balanced diet or eating too little or too much or not following good eating schedule
  • Chronic health issues
  • Health issues of the family members
  • Loss of someone close
  • Not having enough wealth for survival
  • Pandemic

Mental Health


Mental health problems are not that common.


About 1 of every 5 people will experience a mental health issue in a given year. One in every 25 has a serious mental health disorder. These include anxiety, major depression, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia


Children and teens don’t have mental health problems.


Research shows that 1 in 5 teenagers have or will have a mental illness. In 50% of adults who have a mental health issue, the first signs showed up before age 14. These problems are not the result of bad parenting. They are a combination of many factors. Many of these factors are beyond the child’s or parent’s control.


People with mental health issues are violent or dangerous


A large majority of mentally ill people are not violent. Only about 7% of violent acts are committed by a person with symptoms of mental illness. In fact, people with serious mental health issues are 10 times more likely to be a victim of violence.


Mental health problems are a sign of weakness


Mental illness has nothing to do with strength or weakness. It is a medical disorder that needs treatment in the same way an infection or broken bone needs treatment. If you need help with a mental issue, you are not weak.

Content Credit : www.mentalhealth.gov/

How to improve Emotional Wellness?

We can start small and build a strong and healthy routine.

  • 7-10 hours of sleep – Slowly increase the sleep time by 15 minutes per week
  • Work-life balance – Try to implement a few hours of my time or family time every day
  • Walking – Start with a 5-minute walk and observe nature without mobile devices
  • Yoga – helps not only with flexibility but also changes biochemistry of the cells for good
  • Meditation – reduces stress and anxiety, and can aid in raising estrogen and testosterone levels.
  • Following circadian rhythm for eating and sleeping for better
  • Hormone release. – Try to be in the morning sun for a few minutes during the first hour after waking up.
  • Eating 4 hours before going to sleep – helps better metabolism and reduces weight gain
  • Intermittent fasting – helps the body to repair/heal and reduces inflammation and improves heart health.
  • Adding more fruits and vegetables – helps gut function because of more fiber and reduces diabetes and cancer

What is the need for this talk?

  • Today we have peer pressure to be more talented, make more money and have picture-perfect homes and life.
  • There is an increase in mental health issues, especially in kids, the future generation.
  • Our Lifestyle and environment changed a lot over the years ( increase in pollution and more chemicals in our food)
  • More women are doing a high demand jobs and still being a full-time caretaker for the family
  • To accommodate more in life women are cutting down the sleep or self care.
    That Causes burnout, nervous breakdown, and serious health issues.

Most women are not talking about it or asking for help and most of us are still ashamed of mental health issues. We fought for freedom and equality and now we need to redefine success as being happy and healthy and fight for making the world a better place by changing our lifestyle for the sake of our family and kids. Our kids learn from us and they are the future of this world. By talking about we can change society and the government. We can walk out to any store and resturatnt and get sugar free and gluten free food products, because of our awareness in diabetes and auto immune diseases. Just like that let us talk about emotional wellness and mental health issues and build a new happy and healthy world!